4 steps to create effective eLearning courses


There are lot of things that a teacher needs to consider before designing the course. But what makes eLearning really effective? Elearning industry has listed several steps needed to deliver results:

1. Stand out of the crowd. 

The use of 3D worlds and video presenters helps eLearners to stay focused and makes the e-Learning stand out from PowerPoint presentations. In other words, surprise the student and he will learn.

2. Make use of video. 

If an image paints a thousand words then a video paints many more. The use of video can convey far more than an inserted stock photo.  

3. Make the design relevant. 

The use of multimedia tools and applications makes the learning process more interesting but it should be conformed to learning goals. Ensure that multimedia helps convey and not distract from the learning message.

4. Use interaction only where necessary.

Do not add interactivity to every page. Many students find it frustrating as the information flow is destroyed. It is suggested that interactions should only be utilized when contextually necessary (dragging a page of a book to open it, clicking on a menu item, answering a quiz question etc.). If the course is intersting it doesn’t need any additional features.

Learn more teaching methods on http://www.uniuslearning.com

How to start studying effectively: 11 ways to beat your procrastination.


With all digital tools available today a lot of students are struggling to stop their procrastination.

The useful infographic above provides a number of ways to keep you focused. Although most of them do not work in the classroom, they can be applied to your workplace at home:

1. Keep your snacks at the desk. Glucose helps your brain to concentrate.

2. Turn off the mobile phone.

3. Get a comfortable chair.

4. Make a short to-do list.

5. Time yourself.

6. Shut off everything that you are not using at the moment.

7. Clear your desk completely.

8. Put on headphones. Classical music is the best for focusing.

9. Reward yourself after finishing the work.

10. Frame a picture of your goal. And look at it every morning before work.

11. Bring your pet with you. They help you to focus.

Check out more study tips on http://www.uniuslearning.com

How to prepare for a job interview: a step-by-step guide


Good preparation seems to be essential to a successful job interview.  We summarized top tips provided by job searching experts and outlined the most important stages in preparation process.

Step 1.  Know yourself

Such questions as “tell me about yourself” or “let’s talk about your CV” are normally asked by every employer and it seems to be relevant to prepare for them beforehand. Think about 2-3 minutes response that can summarize your overall experience and show how you got to your current career position.

Step 2. Research the potential employer

“Why do you want to work for us?” is another million-dollar question that is usually asked by recruiters. In this case, the key to success lies in through company’s research.  Take time to examine its homepage, recent news articles and social media channels and see what information you can gather.  Such sites as Glass Door and The Job Crowd may also give you useful insights into corporate culture.

Step 3.  Re-read a job description  

Read carefully through the job and candidate specifications and requirements and consider relevant experiences that demonstrate the skills and knowledge you gained.

Step 4. Be prepared for tricky questions

Questions like “What are your weaknesses?” may confuse a potential candidate. Find out the format of interview beforehand, prepare a sample list of standard questions and consider how you are going to answer it.


Remember that job hunting is a two-way process; as well as the company needs to find out if you are right for them, you must also assess if they are right for you.

Check out more job search tips on http://www.uniuslearning.com