Popular Professions Among Graduates in 2014 [Infographic]


According to the Popular Professions Among Grades in 2014 Infographic, in the lingering aftermath of the Great Recession, recent college graduates are having a tough time of it. As state aid for education has fallen, student loans have risen, leading to crippling levels of debt — the average in recent years has been about $23,300 though that figure may have climbed to more than $29,000. Although the unemployment rate for those with a bachelor’s degree or higher declined in 2013, many recent college graduates are still struggling to find their desired jobs.

Top 5 Occupations with the Most Job Openings (Graduate Degree)

  1. Postsecondary Teachers
    College and university professors, career and technical education instructors, and graduate teaching assistants.
  2. General Practitioners
    They perform yearly checkups, treat a variety of conditions, and refer patients to specialists.
  3. Lawyers
    Private-practice lawyers work in law firms or are self-employed.
  4. Pharmacists
    They prepare and distribute medications prescribed by doctor and other health practitioners.
  5. Physical Therapists
    They prevent and treat conditions that limit a person’s ability to move and function
Top 5 Occupations with the Most Job Openings (Bachelor’s Degree)
  1. Computer Systems Analysts
    They create new computer systems and improve existing technology and business processes.
  2. Software Developers
    They combine their expertise in computer science, engineering, and math to design, develop, and test software for home, school, and business use.
  3. Network Systems and Data Communications Analysts
    They plan, design, build, maintain, and test networks and other data communications systems.
  4. Construction Managers
    They plan and coordinate construction projects, including residential, commercial, and civil (or public works) building.
  5. Market and Survey Researchers
    They collect information about the public.

The 10 Most Important Work Skills in 2020 [Infographic]


The job search is a challenging process, so ensure that you keep on top of the recent trends.

Some important points:

  •   In a global workplace you’ll need cross cultural competency;
  •   New Media Literacy is important to critically assess and develop content in different media;
  •   In the highly competitive IT workplace Computational Thinking is vital to understand concepts and data;
  •   Virtual Collaboration entails working effectively as a member of a virtual team.

Want to find a dream job? Find out more at Unius Learning

How to start studying effectively: 11 ways to beat your procrastination.


With all digital tools available today a lot of students are struggling to stop their procrastination.

The useful infographic above provides a number of ways to keep you focused. Although most of them do not work in the classroom, they can be applied to your workplace at home:

1. Keep your snacks at the desk. Glucose helps your brain to concentrate.

2. Turn off the mobile phone.

3. Get a comfortable chair.

4. Make a short to-do list.

5. Time yourself.

6. Shut off everything that you are not using at the moment.

7. Clear your desk completely.

8. Put on headphones. Classical music is the best for focusing.

9. Reward yourself after finishing the work.

10. Frame a picture of your goal. And look at it every morning before work.

11. Bring your pet with you. They help you to focus.

Check out more study tips on http://www.uniuslearning.com